Yay December 1st!

I hope everyone who celebrates enjoyed their Thanksgiving, and are continuing the enjoyment of Hanukkah for my Jewish readers. In the spirit of the holidays, I thought I’d share this cute little gift giving cheat I found on Pinterest. I’m sure you have a Secret Santa or a Yankee Swap gift you have to do for work or family or whatever and they can be a hassle. How do I stay under the limit? What should I get? Should it be gender neutral? AH! Craziness! So to ease your worries, I am here! Granted, someone ELSE posted this, but the internets all about sharing, right? 




So this is quite obviously a Starbucks tumbler, with some nail polish, Burt’s Bees Chapstick, and a target gift card. Of course, you don’t have to follow this to a tee, but I would love to get this as a gift! For mine, I bought a $4 work out water bottle, a nail file, a bottle of nail polish, a package of hair ties, a tube of chap-stick, a package of gum, and some caffeine tablets. Total cost $18! Can’t beat that with a stick. You can modify this obviously and change the items inside for the particular person, but if I can do Christmas for >$20/person, I’m all about it. 

Let me know how you do it! Comment below, follow me on Twitter and Instagram (@SuperKatieJean) and tell me all about your gift giving ideas!


I know I said I wasn’t gonna do this but it popped into my head a second ago: Sumpto. If you are a college student and have a .edu email address, click this link ( http://sumpto.com?rf_id=1370341857 ) and go start claiming free stuff in just a few clicks. It’s super simple, super free, and super worth it. Okay, now I NEED to go finish my To Do list. 1/2 way done! Woo! 


With everyone in college, including myself, feeling the unbearable pressure of finals and the holidays approaching, with much sadness, I may have to take a small hiatus from blogging. I will try to post 2-3 times a week like I have been, however, they will be very quick blurbs about what’s going on in my life, and the products I’m using, and study tips. Right now I’ll talk about study tips and things that I like to do in order to study and things I find to be effective. 

1. To Do Lists: I use them daily, with the app on my iPhone called CARROT: To Do. It’s an ingenious little app that awards you points for everything you get done and with said points, you can earn points to level up. Very motivational, very helpful. However, with finals approaching to do lists can become very overwhelming, and I have found that writing out a small to-do list (maximum of 8-9 things at a time) is very relaxing. I also like to kind of over-lap some tasks, for example: in my 1960s class, I have 2 papers due about the same topics, so I decided to do a small outline of the bigger one, and take some of the ideas I put into the outline/paper into the smaller of the two. Also, things that include built in breaks are helpful, like laundry! You know you have a pile that needs to be done, so throw a load in before you start any of your other things and that way, in a half hour-an hour or however long your washing machine takes to work it’s magic, you HAVE to take a few minutes to get up, put them in the dryer, and throw another load in, which leads me to my next point….

2. Breaks: 100% necessary. You must, must, must, must, take short breaks. Whether they be biological (bathroom, eating, showering, sleeping) or relaxation breaks (watching TV, sleeping, working out, or seeing friends). You will learn more, retain more, and feel much more relaxed about the whole thing if you take a quick break every so often.

3. Sleep: Again, 100% necessary, and sleeping is awesome so do it anyway. 

4. Snacking: Again, again, 100% necessary. You need food to survive. Make it something healthy and tasty and you’ll feel better about it. Stress eating is not good eating.

5. Studying in group: Some people don’t like studying in groups because of distractions, however, there’s at least 20 other people in your class who are studying the same material you are, and then think of all the other sections of the course who are doing (basically) the same material. Exchange contact info, use http://www.when2meet.com , get a small group going, find a place to meet, and share ideas, snacks, study guides, et cetera. Chances are you’ll learn more this way. 

I think that’s all for now. I’ll post some more soon. In the mean time, follow my stressed next few weeks on Twitter and Instagram (@SuperKatieJean) and tell me how you’re prepping for finals!


Coupon Clipping

At any given time of the day, i’m sure one could turn on TLC and watch a few episodes of Extreme Couponing, and while the coupon extremists are making money off of being on the show and the several hundreds of coupons they clip each week, what about the Average Joe college student trying to save a few extra bucks here and there? Where’s our show?

In my “U by Kotex” post, I briefly touched upon using coupons, but today I really wanted to talk about it. Sure, you can clip coupons until the cows come home, but how effective really are they? Let me tell you, very. As a CVS employee, I have customers who come in every Sunday, pick up the new flyer, and come back later in the week to rack up the savings, extra bucks, coupons, and so on. After a few weeks of watching this, I figured I’d try it for myself. Mind you, I don’t take home the circular every week and plot my attack on the CVS shelves, but I do scan my card at our coupon center at least once per week, and they help, trust me! About 2-3 weeks ago CVS was giving away a single roll of Just the Basics brand paper towels, and the week after we were giving away CVS/pharmacy brand acetaminophen, which in lay-mans terms is essentially aspirin. Because CVS takes expired coupons, I had a group of college students, maybe mid-20s come in on Friday, and “buy” those two things alone, each of their balances coming to $0.00. I also believe one of them had a few extra bucks (essentially a gift card CVS gives out quarterly, and weekly for certain products), so he bought some other stuff using those, and only had to pay a few dollars.

I’m not trying to do a CVS commercial here, I’m just explaining how I started my coupon journey, and for me, it was easiest to start somewhere I already spent at least 16-25 hours at every week, using coupons I explained countless times a week.

Anyway: the most commonly heard phrases by any cashier is “UGH! I had coupons and I left them at home!” and “Do you have any coupons I can scan?”. Really. Ask anyone in retail. So my first tip is to plan ahead. If you definitely know you’re going to be buying something, or know you’re going somewhere, Google “coupons (insert store/product/brand)” and print some out. It takes less than 10 seconds, and you can end up saving quite a bit.

Second thing, do a little research on certian products before buying them. Obviously we all experience product affinity, which for all you non-comm majors is getting attached to a specific brand (Apple will always hold a special place in my heart), but is the product you’re buying time and time again worth it? Is there a product/brand out there that doesn’t fall apart every 12 months? Probably. Use consumer reports and figure out the best product for you.

Third, keep coupons on you. Your purse and backpack most likely have a smaller bag in them anyway, might as well have one for coupons.

Fourth: sign up for memberships that companies offer. CVS ExtraCare is a great example. Since you need an account to get the sales anyway, you might as well sign up and earn ExtraBucks on top of it. Sure we can just scan the Universal Card we have on our register, but you might as well just take the 2 minutes it takes and fill out the form.

Lastly, shop at and eat at places that offer a student discount. If you’re from Providence, there’s dozens! I recently ate at a little pizza/sandwich place in Wayland Square called Minerva’s that offer a 10% student discount with your ID, and it was DELICIOUS. A co-worker of mine, my manager, and I all ate for $22 and change simply because I noticed a small blurb on the front of the menu that mentioned it.

I should probably go now, I’ve got some work I should do while I’m at the library. Contact me about the friend codes for your Graze nibble boxes so you can get two free boxes (I only have 3 left!) and follow me on Twitter (@SuperKatieJean) and on Instagram (superkatiejean). Don’t forget to tell me about the free stuff you’re getting and the money you save!

Smashbox Try It Kit

So for those of you who know me and my family know my sister is very into makeup, and with her birthday next week I was kind of iffy about buying her some of her favorite brands, because it’s expensive…BUT I found a Smashbox “Try It Kit” on Amazon for $19, retail value: $59. INSANE RIGHT. It comes with 5 products:

1. Photo Finish Foundation Primer

2. Photo Finish Lid Primer

3. Full Exposure Mascara

4. Limitless Eye Liner in “Onyx”

5. Lip Enhancing Gloss in “Illume”

It only came in the mail yesterday, and she hasn’t used any of them yet, but we’ll do a “guest blog” type thing when she does so you all can hear what she thought of them.


Anyway: tell me about the free stuff you get! Follow me on Twitter ( @SuperKatieJean) and on Instagram (superkatiejean) 

Graze Box Rounds 2, 3, and 4

So apparently people are actually reading this, so that’s cool. I didn’t think anyone would ever read this. 

Anyway: I’ve finished my Graze box, and it was wonderful. Everyone should order them. If you don’t remember, Graze is a company that sends healthy, delicious snacks by mail, and if you have a friend code/invitation code, your first box can be free! Woohoo! 

In my box I had Salsa Fresca and Cheese Sombreros, which I talked about a few posts back, and I LOVED, and a Fruit and Seed Flapjack, Chili and Lime Pistachios, and Raspberry and Coconut Muffin, and they were all great. I had the fruit and seed flapjack in the car on the way to school on Friday, and it was perfect! It fit right in my bag, and it was delicious. Perfect breakfast/on the go snack. Miles and I split the chili and lime pistachios yesterday before I left for work last night, and they weren’t my favorite, but I do like pistachios a lot, so that was pretty different. And finally, the raspberry and coconut muffin was so good! Not gonna lie, I’m a mess, so things that come in a granola style snack is kind of a disaster.  HASHTAG I’m an adult.


Overall, I give the Graze Nibble Box a solid 10. It was tasty, convenient, free, and generally just really good. The regular boxes cost $6 and you can have them delivered every 2 weeks, or once per month. If you want my friend code, make sure to comment/contact me and your first and fifth boxes are free! 

U by Kotex

I almost forgot! I got another one of my free packages in the mail earlier this week from U by Kotex! I know, kind of weird thing to blog about, but hey, I’m a girl, I’m in college, I get my period, and that is expensive stuff so I will take all the free stuff I can get. 

Okay so: if you go to ubykotex.com/Get-A-Sample it brings you to a page that has all the different sample packages to choose from depending on your period. I got a “super pack”, that had 2 super tampons and 2 liners for double the protection, and they’re awesome. Also in the package was a little booklet of all the other U by Kotex  products, just in case you didn’t like the package you got, you can see all the other wonderful things they make. And on the last page of said booklet, $1 off your next U by Kotex purchase…perfect. 

And the coolest part: if they ran out of the pack you want, they’ll give you a coupon for your next purchase! What’s better than that? 

OH WAIT…THIS. U by Kotex is also sending out a FREE bracelet to girls “in the know” about feminine health! Come on! That is so much free stuff! I love it!

Okay, I’m done for today. Make sure to tell me about free stuff you’ve claimed!

Graze Box Round 1

Hello world,

So y’all know I love free stuff, and graze.com is giving a free nibble box away if you use a certain code, *found in Cosmo if you want one*, so I was flipping through Cosmo on my break at work about 2 weeks ago, and thought it’d be worth checking out…boy, was it! Ya know what, I should back up a little. Okay, so Graze is a company that mails out healthy snacks to the UK and US, based on your likes and dislikes of snacks. You select some snacks based on a few clicks, and then BAM, it’s at your door. They have a ton of different snacks, like chips and dips, fruits, granola (bars and the regular), fruits, nuts, trail mixes, and the best one of all…CHOCOLATE.

Okay, fast forward to yesterday: I had a really long day at work and school, so when I left campus all I was  really concerned about was getting home. I had ordered a few things in the past few weeks or so, but I wasn’t really expecting anything to come in, and then there it was, my nibble box! I opened it immediately and was so excited! Being a teenager and for whatever reason feeling the need to eat EVERYTHING, kicked in and I decided to try the “Salsa Fresca and Cheese Sombreros”. It was delicious. I’m trying to save my other three snacks (raspberry coconut muffin mix, chili and lime pistachios, and fruit and seed flapjack). I’ll tell you how those go later.

In the meantime: if you’re interested in your free box, contact me and I’ll give you my friend code! I only have 4 to give out so be quick! Or…you can just go into the December issue of Cosmo (with Miley on the front), and find their ad. It’s green and on the top of the page, I’d say in the back half.

Anyway, love you all. Tell me about free stuff you’ve gotten!
